With the increasing worldwide dependence on Green energy solutions, solar energy is emerging at the forefront as a commendable eco-friendly suitable energy source. But the routine cleaning and maintenance of solar panels’ surfaces are also one of the critical elements in assuring their optimal function. This prompted Eitai, a company specializing in solar energy storage systems, to introduce the Solar Clean Machine that is required in scrubbing the outdoor solar-mounted products.
This machine uses pump pressure to spray water and cleaning agents across the panels in an effective way and varying the working distance from the solar panel assisted by the brush head assist in scrubbing the borders, removing dust, dirt and other pollution. This does not only assist in enhancing the solar system’s power generation efficiency but also boosts the longevity of the panels too. Eitai’s cleaning device has applications in several outdoor climatic zones from hot deserts to highly humid and temperature coastal regions which guarantees efficiency of cleaning solutions provided.
Eitai Solar Clean Machine is designed with the needs of its users in mind. It is user-friendly and can be custom-sized as per the required technical needs, the specific intended use, or the application environment. Be it a standalone machine, or a component of a storage system, an Eitai solar cleaning machine will be able to provide effective solutions for solar system performance enhancement and prolongation of its life span.
Furthermore, Eitai guarantees profound post-sale service and technical support as well. The professional cleaning team will design efficient and customized cleaning solutions that target the requirements of the clients for efficacious system performance and longevity. Furthermore, Eitai offers complete post-sale support including routine maintenance checks and troubleshooting as well, ensuring no concerns for the clients.
To summarize, Eitai Solar Clean Machine is a layered cleaning machine intended specifically for solar structures which operate outdoors. It is secure and independent, it is economical in terms of the electricity consumed, which makes it plausible to install, in order to maintain the effective operation of solar energy systems.